I must admit. When my sister introduced me to the idea of tapping a little while back I was sceptical. Very, very sceptical. The idea that simply tapping on specific areas of your body could magically make your problems disappear to me sounded absolutely ridiculous. Imagine my surprise then when I found myself signing up for the 2013 Tapping World Summit!! I'm still not sure why I did it but I'm so glad I did.
The ideas behind tapping were originally developed by a psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan to help with some of his clients who were struggling to move through some emotional issues. He called the process the Callahan technique Thought Field Therapy (TFT.) He found that a client who had spent a long time with him trying to work through an anxiety issue found themselves much less anxious after only 1 session of TFT.
The process was then adopted by many more practitioners including Nick Ortner and Jack Canfield and the name was changed to Emotional Freedom Technique or more simply just tapping. The idea of tapping is that by tapping specific areas of the body which are based on Traditional Chinese Medicine acupressure or meridian points while talking about the specific issue that is bothering you you are able to reprogram the brain to be less affected by the specific issue. Proponents of tapping have stated that there is now research that shows that tapping actually affects the brain's amygdala response.
The amaygdala is the part of the brain that stimulates the fight or flight reaction in response to stressful stimuli. Normally if there is something in your life that is causing you some grief, thinking about it will light up the amygdala region of the brain putting the body into fight or flight mode. Apparently researchers found that the process of tapping actually disengages the amygdala while thinking about the stressful stimuli meaning that you are able to effectively reprogram your brain to be less stressed out by the normally stressful situation. To see how tapping is done please watch the below video.
Speakers at the 2013 Tapping World Summit have claimed to have used tapping with clients to help to heal a huge variety of concerns both mental and physical such as guilt, phobias, addictions, fears, physical pain, illness and weight loss. They believe that all problems have an emotional base and by working through and tapping away that emotion the situation can be improved.
I have listened to speakers over the last few days talk about using tapping for weight loss, body image issues, self love and ending self sabotaging behaviors and have had my eyes opened to the emotions that hide behind a lot of our issues. I have tapped away with the speakers and have found that over the last couple of days I have felt calmer and much more centered as I have started to deal with some of the emotions that I had been hiding deep down.
The Tapping World Summit is on until the 13th of March and is free to register. If you're interested in finding out more about this technique and the different ways that it can be used in your life then join up here and listen to each day's downloads at a time that suits you. Just ensure that you watch the introductory video first otherwise you will find yourself a bit lost. I highly recommend having a look at this after all you have nothing to lose and heaps to gain. I still have no idea what made me sign up for this summit but I can see tapping having a big impact on my life.
You balance buddy
Renae X
very interesting.xx