I have so many ideas on what I want to start working on, what I want to share with you, challenges I want to take it that it can seem a little overwhelming to work out where to start. I am a believer in the law of attraction which has been in discussion since the beginning of last century and that was made famous in Rhonda Byrne's movie and subsequent book The Secret and so to me it made sense to start with working out exactly what it is that I do want. Then have a look at what is in my life that is in my life that is not helping to get to where I want to go
There are many ways that you can go about sorting through what it is that you want. You can write lists, writing specific goals for each item, you can talk about it with a friend or you can work with images. Working with images is definitely my preferred option as the Law of Attraction states simply that "like attracts like" and so by focusing on positive things you receive positive things and likewise for the negative. Having visual images of those things that you do want in your life readily visible to you each and every day means that you will be focusing on those positive images continually which will help to bring these things closer to you.
Even if you don't believe in the law of attraction to me it still makes sense to have these visual images close to hand as the more you think about something the more you start to notice things that are linked to it everywhere you go. Take buying a car for example, once you have started the thought process of buying a new car, you will start to notice more new car advertisements and pay ore attention to what the people around you are driving.
Another example you could use if you still don't buy into this is to think of the colour yellow. Now that you're thinking about it you're seeing yellow everywhere. I bet two seconds ago you would have said that there wasn't much yellow around and now you can't stop finding it. This I believe is what is at work when I create my vision boards.
A vision board really is nothing more than a collection of images of those things that you want to bring into your life. Vision boards can take the form of a physical board like my own which is pictured above or you could do an electronic slideshow and have it as your screen saver. Whatever way you tackle it the important thing is to make sure that it's in a position that means that you will see it as often as possible.
I myself have already successfully used a vision board to manifest the things that I desired into my life. Things that I wouldn't have even considered possible but which started to manifest almost as soon as I had finished the board. Through this vision board I was able to get a new home in the countryside, leave my job and study to become a personal trainer, then work as a trainer, start growing my own vegetables and most excitingly of all we were able to take a trip to France and Italy. I wish I still had a picture of this board as it was powerful stuff!
So what's on my vision board this time around? Studying yoga teaching, buddhism and ayurveda, a trip to India and a spa, health, laughter, plenty of meditation, healthy food and exercise, healing for both myself and to be able to heal others and to become a writer. I have no doubt that these things are already on their way to me now. We will talk more about taking those things out of our lives that don't support these desires in the coming weeks.
So tell me. Are you keen to try a vision board? If not what's holding you back? Don't forget to follow the blog and keep up with what's happening. You can now like the blog on facebook as well.
Your balance buddy
Renae X
P.S if you still need some convincing in regards to the effectiveness of vision boards why don't you do a search and have a look at the massive amounts of testimonials that come up.
yes i believe in vision boards,i have one in my sewing room so that i look at it everyday.xx