Empowering Women
Louise L. Hay
1997, Hodder
Louise L. Hay is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher and the bestselling author of so many amazing books. She has founded Hay House publishing which publishes masses of personal development and spiritual books and Hay House radio which is an internet based radio show that features radio programs with her most popular authors. Any one who has decided to start reading about personal growth would have come across Louise at some point.
Louise is infamous for her use of mirror work and affirmations to help people to change their subconscious thoughts and to re-write the negative self talk that we so often have running through our minds.
Louise describes Empowering women as a book to help women reach their full potential. She has used all of her tried and true basic methods and added many new ideas to help her on this mission.
Louise starts by taking us through the programming that women have been subjected to in the past and which still haunts us to this day. By highlighting some of these old beliefs Louise really throws the light on them and enables the reader to understand some of the beliefs that may be holding women back. Louise also takes some time going through the messages that advertising is sending to modern day women and again throws light on some of these potentially stifling beliefs.
From here we move into the crux of the book which is basically a step by step guide to changing your beliefs and turning your self talk into positive self talk. As Louise says
".....my belief is that the thoughts we think, the words we speak, and the beliefs we hold are very powerful. They shape our experiences and our lives. It is almost as if every time we think a thought or speak a word, the Universe is listening and responding to us. So if there is something in our life that we do not, then we have the power to make changes."
Louise doesn't just talk the talk either, every tool that she uses and every thing she teaches us comes from the intense struggle that she has faced from a difficult childhood which included incest and the subsequent course of her life that has taken her from being a "bitter, fearful, poor, negative woman." To being the positive powerhouse that she is today.
The book talks about parenting to ensure we do not repeat the same conditioning of the past, Creating Your Own Good Health (a specialty subject of Louise's for more info see You Can Heal Your Life), Exploring Sexuality, Sexual Harassment Getting Older and finishes the book off with book with amazing Australian based resources for women and a recommendation of more books to read on the subject.
Now I know what you're probably thinking. This book is for man haters or for women who are clearly down trodden by the men in their life and living the old stereo types. Both simply aren't true. Louise says quite clearly that lifting up women is not about bringing down men as we have both played a part in getting us to this current situation. It is also most definitely an eye opening read for all women as some of this conditioning is so ingrained that I think most of us have no idea it's even there.
This book will make big changes for any woman who is looking to increasing her own self esteem and self belief and is willing to take responsibility for their life where it is right now and go through the tough process of rebuilding their own self talk. The work is confronting and difficult but if you stick through it you should find that you are rewarded with a life you can be proud of. I'll leave you with the book's last statement to help you decide if it's something you're willing to work for.
"Inside of you is a smart, powerful, dynamic, capable, self-confident, alive, alert, fabulous woman. Let her come out and play. The world is waiting for you."
love Louise Hay,i have a lot of her CD's.xx