Sunday, 6 January 2013

Why balance?

So here I am yet another pilgrim in the search of finding balance in their life.  Why is it that we are perpetually  fascinated with this elusive creature we call balance?

Have you ever felt frustrated that you were working your butt off but getting little joy out of life?  Have you ever felt that once you finish all of your work and commitments that there is just no time left for anything else?  How about doing plenty of reading and thinking about changing your life but never any action?  

All of these statements and so many more that you are probably imagining right now indicate that your life lacks balance and none of the above situations brings about any happiness lasting or otherwise. Hence the age old quest for balance.  

Our bodies are the perfect example of our need for balance and your body is on it's own quest for homeostasis.  On the matter of homeostatis our goods friends at Wikipedia have the following to say:
Human homeostasis is derived from the Greek, homeo or "same", and stasis or "stable" and means remaining stable or remaining the same.[1]
The human body manages a multitude of highly complex interactions to maintain balance or return systems to functioning within a normal range.....This process is essential to the survival of the person and to our species........An inability to maintain homeostasis may lead to death or a disease, a condition known as homeostatic imbalance.
Our bodies require so many different factors to be in balance to maintain good health such as temperature, blood composition, pressure, volume and sleep and our bodies are constantly in the process of trying to maintain this balance.

As the Law of Correspondence one of 12 universal laws from the book The Light Shall Set You Free (1998) Drs. Milanovich and McCune demonstrates that your inner self reflects your outer world.  So if your inner world is out of balance i.e. lots of negative emotions, too many unhealthy foods, too much on time not enough down time, this will be reflected in your outer world i.e. sickness, disease,unhappiness, loneliness and fatigue.

Age old though it may be (think back to Buddha and his swinging between prince and pauper before finally settling on something in between), I believe our current lifestyle has started to swing so far out of balance that it is both the cause of so much wide spread disease and has sparked this wide spread obsession with balance.

Today's lifestyle tells us that we should have more, be more successful, give more to our children, be more to our children, look after our partner's needs, look after our own needs, be slim, be healthy, be sexy, be always available, exercise more, sleep more, stress less, eat naturally, eat low fat, eat more protein, eat locally, be sustainable add to this the need to balance all of this with our bank balances and it is no wonder we are so confused and unbalanced.  There's just too darn much to think about.

This is why I have decided to devote myself and this blog to finding tools,ideas and methods that will bring our lives into sharper balance and I am more than happy to be the guinea pig for all of you out there in readersville although you are all most welcome to join me if you wish.

My promise to you is that I will endeavor to be as non-judgmental, non-prescriptive and non-getting-up-on-my-high-horse (what that's a word isn't it?) because let's face it, there's nothing worse than somebody else telling you how you should live your own life.

I hope you make the decision to join me in this quest by subscribing to my blog, offering suggestions, giving plenty of feedback and most importantly of all sharing your journey with us.

Today's question for you all is "Where do you think your life is the most out of balance?"  I'll tell you about mine in the next post.

Your balance buddy
Renae X

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